10A Microwave Oven Fuse 6.3x32mm (MSF021L)
10A Microwave Oven Fuse 6.3x32mm
Ceramic Tube
Brass Nickel Plated Contact Cups
Microwave Time Delay (T)
High Breaking Capacity 500A/500V
Recommended replacement part for:
AWI 160M, AWI 160T, AWI 190M, AWI 190T
Microstar 1300, Microstar 1750
Panasonic NE1027, Panasonic NE1030, Panasonic NE1037, Panasonic NE1253, Panasonic NE1747, Panasonic NE1757, Samsung 1200W (requires 2 fuses)
Samsung 1300W (requires 2 fuses), Samsung 1400W (requires 2 fuses), Samsung 1600W (requires 2 fuses), Samsung 1800W (requires 2 fuses), Samsung 1900W (requires 2 fuses), Sanyo EMC2000, Sanyo EMC2100
All prices shown exclude VAT which is charged at the standard UK rate.
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